Noncompete Agreement Template

Create a customized, legally binding contract for employees that protects proprietary information.

Simplify your workflows

It's probably taken a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get your company where it is now. Don't let an employee ruin it all by grabbing your trade secrets and running off with them! Use this template to protect your proprietary business information from situations that could possibly put you out of business.

No matter your industry, location, or company size, if you have a competitive edge you don't want to give away, invest some time making this noncompete agreement template your own. You can quickly fill out details and send it off for eSignature in just a few minutes. With more than 100+ integrations, you can use Formstack Documents to connect this contract to your most-used tools to streamline data management and document creation. Consider adding this employee noncompete agreement template to your onboarding process. With Formstack Documents, you will cut down document preparation time and streamline inefficient, manual processes.

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